Do you do wholesale?
We aren’t accepting any new wholesale clients at this time.

What are your hours?
Bakery: Tues - Sun | 8:30am - 2:30pm
Pizza Night: Fri - Sat 4:30pm - 8:30pm

What is your phone number?
We don’t have a phone number, if you’d like to contact us please email us at info@wayfarerbread.com!

Do you have parking?
We don’t have designated parking, but parking can be found in front of the bakery and behind in the neighborhood.

Do you deliver?
No, we do not deliver!

Where else do you sell your bread and pastries?
Our bread can be purchased at the following:
Chino Farms | Sat-Sun
The Fishery | Wed-Sun


Can I place a pre-order?
Yes, please see the menu tab for more information!

Where do I order pizza?
Click the Pizza Night tab on our website or visit wayfarerpizza.com

Why can’t I check out my pre-order?
When we are sold out of an item, it will not let you check out.

Can I purchase additional items at the pre-order pick up window?
No, additional items must be purchased inside our bakery.

Can I pre-order sandwiches?
No, our current operations do not allow us to take pre-orders on this item.

Why can’t I find certain items on the pre-order menu?
We only allow pre-orders for items that we regularly carry. Any items that are not available for pre-order through the website don’t have guaranteed availability.

Can I change my pre-order time?
Yes, but you must contact us 24 hours prior to your order pick up time.

Can I have a refund on my pre-order?
Yes, please contact us 24 hours prior to your pick up time via email. Info@wayfarerbread.com

I didn’t pick up my pre-order, what do I do?
We will hold your pre-order for an additional 24 hours and cannot offer refunds.


Why are your croissants and bread so dark?
We bake things intentionally to create the flavor profile that we find most desirable. While things may appear dark, we refer to this as caramelization. Oftentimes the more color there is, the more flavor!

Do you sell sourdough starter?
Yes, you can request it at our register!

How do I feed my starter?
We feed our starter twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Ideally, you want to feed your starter about 4 hours before you plan to use it. If you don’t bake everyday like us, we recommend keeping your starter in the refrigerator and feeding it once a week to maintain it. Remove it from the refrigerator three days before you plan to use it and feed it twice a day.

Why don’t you make more Croissants and Sandwiches?
We constantly adjust our pars to predict demand on a daily basis, however, our demand has proven to be fairly unpredictable. Many of our products take multiple days to produce (our croissants, for example, are a three-day process) therefore we cannot just “make more” on demand.

When are cinnamon loaves and savory scones available?
Cinnamon Loaves are now available every day! Please note they will be available after 11am.
Savory scones are available every Saturday and Sunday after 11 am.